Contour rhinoplasty

Nose contouring

Many people dream of correcting the shape of the nose, and plastic surgeons often work with clients who want to make both small adjustments and completely change their nose for the better.

But, firstly, radical surgical intervention does not leave the patient a chance to correct the consequences of the operation (only minor correction is possible).

Contour rhinoplasty refers to non-surgical methods of correcting the shape of the nose faster and safer than surgery.

For this, fillers based on hyaluronic acid, own tissues (lipofilling) and other materials are used; threads; hormonal agents that soften the cartilaginous tissue of the nose, which makes it possible to correct its shape.

Secondly, the operation is more expensive and in the event of a surgeon's mistake, the probability of which always exists, it is not always possible to correct the consequences. Today, as an alternative to this method, contouring is successfully used, which is performed faster and does not have serious negative consequences.

For hormonal rhinoplasty, glucocorticosteroids are used, in which resorption of cartilage is a side effect.

Therefore, to have an effect, they are administered in large doses. They are displayed for a very long time - within six months.

A common complication when using hormonal rhinoplasty is the failure of the nose.

Indications and contraindications

Surgical nose surgery is an effective way to achieve the desired result, but this kind of intervention can be dispensed with if a small correction of certain areas is required.

The indications for contour rhinoplasty, which allows it to be done quickly and safely, are:

  • too thin, drooping or upturned tip of the nose;
  • hump;
  • asymmetrical nose;
  • irregularities of a different nature;
  • scars and other similar defects.

Contour correction has a number of contraindications, which can be absolute and relative. The first group includes oncological diseases, individual intolerance to the drugs used and their components, hemophilia, autoimmune diseases and diseases of the endocrine system.

Relative contraindications are factors that do not allow the nose to be corrected without surgery at a specific point in time, but over time the procedure becomes possible.

Such contraindications are:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • ARVI;
  • rhinitis;
  • inflammation of skin areas in the proposed area of the rhinoplasty procedure;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • rehabilitation period after complex cosmetic procedures.

Also, the procedure is not done for persons under 18 years of age. This is due to the fact that bone and cartilage tissues at this age have not yet formed completely, and medical intervention can lead to negative deviations.

What disadvantages will contour rhinoplasty help correct?

Since non-surgical rhinoplasty may not help in all cases, it is important to know when such a method will be appropriate and will help solve the patient's problems. This medical procedure is guaranteed to eliminate:

  1. Asymmetric shapenose. After the rhinoplasty procedure, the nose becomes even, regardless of what caused such a deviation (trauma, surgery, or was present from birth).
  2. GorbinkiOn the nose. Sometimes this defect is not considered as such and does not affect the aesthetic perception, but in some cases, the bumps make a person's face unattractive, and this is easy to correct with rhinoplasty.
  3. Form restorationnose after injury. Often after accidents, fights or sports, the shape of the nose becomes ugly as a result of damage, but this defect is quickly eliminated.
  4. Removing variousfailures, dimples and irregularities.

Also, rhinoplasty specialists are consulted to eliminate snub-noses or, conversely, to raise the tip of the nose.

How is the procedure

Before correcting the shape of the nose, it is necessary to visit a dermatologist. The doctor will examine the tolerance of the drugs used and the funds that are used during the procedure.

After that, you can discuss all the details of the operation with a rhinoplasty specialist. At this stage, the result is predicted, correction zones are determined, and all additional wishes of the client and other nuances are discussed.

Before the correction, an anesthetic in the form of an ointment is applied to and around the nose, which begins to act after about 15 minutes. Next, the correction process begins, which can be carried out in different ways.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty with fillers

If the correction is made by introducing fillers, the procedure does not take more than forty minutes. At the same time, the changes are noticeable immediately, since, unlike surgical intervention, this procedure does not have such consequences as swelling, bruising and swelling that prevent the doctor and patient from evaluating the work.

Fillers are called special gels of synthetic origin. The most common fillers are hyaluronic acid. Such preparations do not contain toxins and are produced through bacterial synthesis. It turns out a completely safe environmentally friendly product, harmless to the body.

The main advantage of this type of filler is their absolute resistance to enzymes produced by skin cells. Under the influence of such enzymes, the filler is not destroyed, so the corrections made are saved for a long time.

Fillers are injected using a syringe with a fine needle. Such a needle ("cannula") differs from the usual one with a rounded blunt end, and the cannula opening is located on the side.

The drug is stored in a sealed package immediately before the procedure and is opened immediately before the administration process. Depending on the depth to which the filler is injected and the desired effect, a certain amount of it is used.

There are different types of fillers, each with a different duration and effectiveness. In addition to drugs based on hyaluronic acid, the following are also used:

  1. Autologous- are made on the basis of the client's own fabrics.
  2. Biodegradable- are gel preparations that are not exposed to chemical compounds of the human body, do not decompose and are excreted from the body longer than other types.
  3. Biodegradable- decompose under the influence of enzymes produced by the body, and over time are removed, decomposed to the level of the simplest elements.

Each type has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. So, biodegradable fillers are not very expensive, but the effect of the introduction of such drugs lasts no more than 8-12 months.

More durable biodegradable fillers last longer in the body, but tissue fibrosis (proliferation of connective tissues and scarring) is possible if they are used.

Autologous drugs do not have such drawbacks, but they are much more expensive, and procedures using such fillers require a certain amount of time to synthesize the drug.

Regardless of which filler was used for contouring the nose, after the procedure, it may be necessary to use a splint to properly shape the shape of the nose, but it takes no more than a day to wear such an accessory, after which the patient can remove it on his own.

Nose surgery without surgery with hormone-based drugs

In this case, not hormonal drugs in the literal sense of the word are used, but their analogs, which are able to partially dissolve and soften the cartilaginous tissues of the nose for subsequent correction of its shape.

The complexity of this procedure lies in the fact that the specialist needs to accurately calculate the amount of the injected drug and correctly determine the depth of injection. In case of failure, the formation of cavities in the nose and even uncontrolled tissue atrophy, which is provoked by an excessive amount of the drug, is possible.

This method is not as fast as the others, and it is usually a course of several procedures, stretching over two to three weeks. The effectiveness of this method is quite high, but the doctor and the patient go to the desired result in stages, so in the first days no obvious changes can be found.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist who will determine the patient's hormonal background, and in some cases, doctors state the impossibility of such procedures due to problems with the level of certain hormones.

Non-surgical nose correction with threads

When using this method, special threads are pulled through the areas of the nose that require correction, which are subsequently pulled in certain areas.

As a result of these "pull-ups" you can make the necessary changes in the shape of the nose.

During the first two days, adaptation takes place, after which the remnants of the threads are removed. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia and is mainly used to reshape the wings and the tip of the nose.

In modern contouring rhinoplasty, threads are not yet used as often as other methods. This is due to the fact that, at its relatively high cost, this method can correct only small defects.

Rehabilitation process

Unlike surgical intervention, which always implies complex operations, contour rhinoplasty of the nose without surgery does not require a long rehabilitation period at the end of the procedure.

Moreover, after nose correction, in such cases, the patient can independently leave the clinic immediately after the end of the operation without the need to be under the supervision of a doctor.

A day after the contour correction, a person can already return to their usual way of life, and after another three days in the mirror you can see the final effect of the procedure.

But contour rhinoplasty can have some complications. These may be small local edemas and bruises, but they do not require any additional procedures and medical intervention and disappear in a day or two.

The main thing that should be avoided during the rehabilitation period, which lasts from several days to a week - any, even the slightest injury. This can provoke fibrosis, so if the activity of a person who underwent rhinoplasty is associated with physical activity or the risk of accidental injury at work, it is better to take a sick leave.

In addition, during the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to limit exposure to the skin of the face of open sunlight (especially in summer), you cannot use cosmetics even in minimal quantities and refrain from visiting the solarium. Baths and saunas are also excluded on these days.

The effectiveness of contouring

The effectiveness of rhinoplasty directly depends on three factors: on the type of procedure, in the case of fillers, on their variety and on the cost of such a tool.

Unlike the results of plastic surgery, the effect of non-surgical rhinoplasty lasts a maximum of three years, and this is provided that the most expensive biodegradable drugs are used.

Minimal changes with the use of inexpensive fillers are observed only during the first six to eight months, after which the procedure must be repeated. On average, the effect of this type of rhinoplasty lasts about one and a half years. It is impossible to name the exact timing, since everything depends on the characteristics of the metabolism of a particular patient and the breakdown of filler components.

Possible complications

The procedure for non-surgical rhinoplasty is simple, painless and takes an average of half an hour. But this does not exclude possible complications that in some cases may be observed in patients.

Sometimes such negative consequences of contour rhinoplasty can be noticed during the rehabilitation period, while recovery may take longer than several days. If after a week problems begin and complications are observed, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics, after which the appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

The most harmless complications include:

  • slight swelling and bruising;
  • pain in the area of correction;
  • swelling in areas that have undergone rhinoplasty.

Experts call such consequences acceptable and do not advise taking any special measures to eliminate such complications.

Much more serious is the situation when, as a result of the doctor's actions, large blood vessels are blocked. This leads to impaired blood flow and the result of such a complication in most cases is tissue death.

Embolism is accompanied by symptoms such as spasms, pain syndrome, areas of the skin in the area of correction may acquire a bluish tint. If you find such signs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In extremely rare cases, allergic reactions to one or more of the components contained in the preparations used are possible. But provided that the procedure is carried out under the supervision of an experienced specialist, this probability is minimized.

Even less often, after surgery, a violation of the shape of the nose is possible. This can occur both due to unskilled actions of the doctor, and due to the peculiarities of the patient's cartilaginous and bone tissue. In such cases, the situation can only be corrected by surgery.

In some cases, non-surgical rhinoplasty can have the following side effects:

  1. Some clinics may use drugsLow qualitythat cause pain. By itself, the procedure for introducing a needle under the skin is quite unpleasant, but if pain occurs, the doctor can use an anesthetic as an anesthetic. An anesthetic overdose, in turn, can lead to unconsciousness.
  2. With insufficiently deep introduction of the drug, there may beprotrusion of the geland its migration under the skin. As a result, such problem areas will look uneven and bumpy. In people with thin skin, purple spots appear at the injection sites.
  3. Inflammation- the normal reaction of the body to the introduction of foreign substances. But if such inflammation at the injection sites does not go away for more than three days, this is a reason to consult a doctor. Often "nodules" form under the skin in the inflamed areas, which can only be removed by surgery.
  4. Too deep injections lead tofiller migration. . . In such cases, it flows under the skin, changing its location, and due to this, the shape and facial features of the patient are distorted. The main reason for this side effect is the inept actions of the doctor who cannot correctly determine the depth of the drug administration.

When deciding on a contour plasty that does not require surgical intervention, it is necessary to clearly understand the prospects and weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of this method.

In most cases, this is the best way to correct the shape of the nose, but before the procedure, it is imperative to undergo a full examination, based on contraindications to contour rhinoplasty: this will guarantee to avoid unpleasant consequences.